Mac-Source 1994 July
info mac digest v12
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Date: Wed, 12 Jan 94 01:02:14 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #6
To: info-mac-list
Info-Mac Digest Wed, 12 Jan 94 Volume 12 : Issue 6
Today's Topics:
[*] Animaniacs' Sounds 4
[*] ArtLines.cpt.hqx [AD Module]
[*] Atomic Physics tutorial demo
[*] Cellusoft-sprite-demo-c
[*] CRUNCH! v.1.0b
[*] Deadbolt 1.0
[*] FileBuddy 2.0.2 Submission
[*] Gradebook Stack v1.6
[*] JETFROG 3.0.4
[*] JOVE & MicroEmacs startup files w/ GNU-Emacs-ish bindings
[*] MacTCP Switcher 1.0
[*] MicroRecorder 2.0
[*] Schuzzy 3.0.2
[*] Screensaver/After Dark FAQ v1.9
[*] SteveHandwriting Font Posting
[*] TeachersAide21.hqx
[*] TidBITS#208/10-Jan-94
[*] UPLOADING suntar2.0b12
[*] VFTNMovie
[*] warpii-c.sit.hqx
[*] warren-miller-ski.hqx
[*] Word 5.0 Toolbar Addons
[A] System Memory Hog on Q9
Abaton Fax Modem
A Mac II upgrade question
AppleWorks to Mac [Q]
ARA Delay
Backup software for Hard Disk on MO
Can a mac talk (?)
Connect Mac to Windows NT (Q)
Custom icons and filenames (c)
DMA on a Q800?
Dollars & Sense (A)
Error with Sparkle 1.7
File sharing is inaccessible on PB145b [Q]
Floppy Drive Dead on Powerbook 140
Font with Crossed (European) 7?
Free Net information source
Garbage.MOV - QuickTime movie from NCSA
HC 2.1 Stack ==> HC 2.2
How do I use icons from Info-Mac archives?
How to disassemble a Duo?
Info-Mac Digest V12 #3
Info on Multi-User PRIVATE POPmail that's CHEAP!
INIT icons & startup screen
Installing SIMMs in a Q800 (R)
Is ADB Splitter Available (A)
Laser Printers
LaserWriter 8.1.1
LineLink 144e (C)
LineLink144e problems with servers: a possible explanation
Locking/unlocking groups of files (A)
Locking/unlocking groups of files (R)
Mail order Macs in Europe? (Q)
More than 99 MB per app?
Pacific HiTech is Alive and Well!
PB trackball fix
PCX Files
Problems with LaserWriter 8.1 installation
SF-171 MacApplication (A)
sound and system 7
Spanish 6.07 (R)
Tex converters
undigesting of digest files
Upgrading PB100's harddisk
Utilities for users with disabilities - help.
Virgin Games (C)
Virgin Games Caesar's Palace 1.0 is BETA (Q)
Virtual Memory in System 7
Virtual Memory Problem -- Resolution
Virtual memory question (R)
Warning MacTools v3.0
Weekly Calendar utility (A)
What Duo modem (follow up)
Which compression app?
Which compression app? (R)
WP3 and WorldScript
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send binaries to be placed in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 1:51:35 MST
From: John Woodburn <woodburn@indirect.com>
Subject: [*] Animaniacs' Sounds 4
Hello Animaniac Fans,
This archive contains some sounds (in system 7 format) that I gathered
>From episodes of Warner Brothers' Animaniacs. This is the fourth of such
archives. Any questions, comments, or requests can be sent to John Leo
Woodburn at woodburn@indirect.com. Enjoy, and remember that you are never too
old for cartoons!
Contains the following sounds:
"Can we watch the adult channel? Helllooo nurse!" -- Yakko and Wakko
"All is strange and vague. Are we dead? Or is this Ohio?" -- Yakko and Dot
"And now, Dot's Poetry Corner." -- Announcer
"Little Miss Muffet..." -- Dot
"Spielburg eats this stuff up." -- Yakko
"Of course you know this means Warners." -- Yakko
"What are you doing, torturing a clown?!?" -- Yakko
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/animaniacs-grp4.hqx; 616K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 08:34:54 -0500 (EST)
From: AC Capehart <acc2g@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>
Subject: [*] ArtLines.cpt.hqx [AD Module]
ArtLines is a simple After Dark module. It puts randomly placed,
randomly colored lines, of user-specified thickness, on the screen.
It clears the screen and starts over periodically (under
user-specification). It is free-ware, and the source code is
available for $5.00, or any number of other things (see the help
The archive contains
1) a file with this description
2) the ArtLines After Dark module.
AC Capehart
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/art-lines-ad.hqx; 4K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 0:50:09 CST
From: cross@tulip.physics.wisc.edu
Subject: [*] Atomic Physics tutorial demo
This demo has a sampling of the sections that appear on Atomic Physics
Cross Educational Software. The neatest is a section that plots the orbitals
of a Hydrogen atom. Also included is an animation of the lines of force that
hold together the quarks in a Meson("glue tubes"), an animation of a Uranium
atom spliting, and a section that graphs Wein's law at different temperatures.
The title screen is an animation of the classic fixed target experiments that
have become so essential in the study of the properties of matter.
Richard Cross
Cross Educational Software
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/atomic-physics-tutorial-demo.hqx; 77K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:12:38 -0800 (PST)
From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long)
Subject: [*] Cellusoft-sprite-demo-c
Hi there, Mac Gifties!
This file is Think C 5.0.4 source for the Cellusoft Graphics Demo, by
Tony Small, author of the game "Quagmire." It demenstrates color 'PICT'
clipping to get sprites and animate them over a color background, using
offscreen pixmap maniulation.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/cellusoft-graphics-demo-c.hqx; 83K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 16:03:53 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] CRUNCH! v.1.0b
Subj: CRUNCH! v.1.0b January 6, 1994
From: ElvisJFK
File: CRUNCH.sit (95002 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 2 minutes
Download count: 305
Uploaded on: America Online
EQUIPMENT: Mac with Color Monitor
NEEDS: StuffIt,System 7
This is a game, somewhat similar in gameplay to Pararena, where you control a
marble trying to collect dollars while another marble tries to steal the money
>From you. This game is a fairly quick download, is in color, has digitized
sound, and is very entertaining. It is also freeware. Check it out!
Found virus free using Disinfectant v3.3 - AFL Rod
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/crunch-10b.hqx; 127K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 15:37:11 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] Deadbolt 1.0
Subj: Deadbolt 1.0 S7 January 9, 1994
From: JerryH4997
File: Deadbolt 1.0.sea (47381 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 108
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: Jerry Haynes
EQUIPMENT: Mac Plus or newer
NEEDS: System 7 (to use Startup Items folder)
SYSTEM 7: Dependent
TYPE: Freeware appl
Final Destination: MUT/Applications #2
Deadbolt is an application you stick in your Startup Items folder (within your
System folder). When you turn on your Mac it asks you for a password. If the
password is wrong (you get 3 attempts) or you hit cancel it will shutdown your
Mac. Oh yes, pressing command-option-escape will shut it down too.
I have added a couple of sounds, courtesy of the Star Trek crew, to enliven the
program, so turn your volume up.
All I ask for is some eMail. Tell me you like it, tell me you hate it, tell me
its incompatibilities, or just tell me about yourself.
P.S. The password is "apple." You will need to know this to change it to your
liking. It is case sensitive.
(AOL) JerryH4997
(Jerry Haynes)
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/deadbolt-10.hqx; 65K]
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 11:02:44 +1100 (EST)
From: Ken Simpson <ksimpson@ucc.su.OZ.AU>
Subject: [*] FileBuddy 2.0.2 Submission
FileBuddy. Do yourself a favour and give it a try. I am NOT the author and
I have no connection with the author. The following is out of the File Buddy
2.0 readme.
File Buddy 1.0 was a general file utility, written to make life with all
those files a little easier thanks to some of the features offered by System
7, and it grew in small increments until it arrived at version 1.8. File
Buddy 2.0 breaks with that tradition by offering a major upgrade in the move
>From 1.8 to 2.0. Everything it did before it still does, though generally
better, and version 2.0 contains a lot of functionality not found in prior
File Buddy continues its tradition of making significant use of the drag&drop
capability of System 7, offering two more options for dropped files, while at
the same time providing better access to those who prefer to not use drop
keys. Drop keys are user-configurable.
Note that all references to keys you hold down to access drag&drop
features assume the default drop key settings. You can change the drop key
settings as you see fit using the Drop Keys>> command in the Edit menu.
File Buddy 2.0 provides four main areas of functionality: Get Info, file
finding, file manipulation (moving, copying, and deleting), and disk
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/file-buddy-202.hqx; 204K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 14:49:59 -0600
From: jwitte@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Jim Witte)
Subject: [*] Gradebook Stack v1.6
Here is the newest version of the Gradebook Stack, v1.6.
Gradebook is a Hypercard 2.0 stack designed for college teachers to keep
student scores.
Version 1.6 has several exciting new features. Shareware, $15
Jim Witte
TA -- Univ. of Illinois
[Archived as /info-mac/app/gradebook-16-hc.hqx; 175K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 16:00:09 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] JETFROG 3.0.4
Subj: JETFROG 3.0.4 January 8, 1994
From: MPG6
File: JetFrog 3.0.4.sit (176811 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 4 minutes
Download count: 284
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: Dan Green (MPG6)
EQUIPMENT: Any Mac (color recommended)
NEEDS: A person
Cool game where you are a frog in search of flies. The addition of a jet pack
gives you an edge over the flies. Four awesome levels! New version 3.0.4 that
fixes major bugs in JetFrog 3.0.2 c.
***Play it and get addicted!!!!
Found virus free using SAM v.3.5.9 - AFC Daniel
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/jet-frog-304.hqx; 236K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 13:03:42 EST
From: Tony Silva <tsilva@harpo.aaec.com>
Subject: [*] JOVE & MicroEmacs startup files w/ GNU-Emacs-ish bindings
Due to the overwhelming number of requests I received asking for
either or both of these files, I've decided to post them to
Info-Mac. There are two files, .joverc and emacs.rc, which I used to
make Jove 4.12 and MicroEmacs 3.x (x = 10?) running under System 6.0.7
operate as much like GNU Emacs as possible. I now use GNU Emacs under
MacMiNT under System 7.1, so I have no intention of upgrading these
startup files.
Several people pointed out that Alpha can also be made Emacs-like. I
had previously tried to do so, but gave up after a short effort. I
believe that the newer versions of Alpha do not run under System 6, so
Jove would probably be the way to go if you use System 6.
The usual caveats apply. In other words, it very well works for me,
but don't complain if you don't like it.
Tony Silva, Atlantic Aerospace Elec. Corp., (617)890-4200, tsilva@aaec.com
[Archived as /info-mac/text/jove-microemacs-configs.txt; 8K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:24:22 -0600
From: j-norstad@nwu.edu (John Norstad)
Subject: [*] MacTCP Switcher 1.0
MacTCP Switcher is a utility program that makes it easy to save and quickly
restore multiple MacTCP configurations. This is particularly useful for
people who carry their PowerBooks around and connect them to different
networks (e.g., SLIP or PPP at home and LocalTalk or Ethernet at work).
MacTCP Switcher requires System 7.0 or later. A brief TeachText document is
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/mactcp-switcher-10.hqx; 29K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 15:52:59 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] MicroRecorder 2.0
Subj: MicroRecorder 2.0 !! APPL January 8, 1994
From: Latifi
File: MicroRecorder.sit (64396 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 26
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: Afshin Latifi
EQUIPMENT: Macintosh
NEEDS: creativity, AOL 2.0, StuffIt Expander
LIBRARY: MMS/Applications utilities
KEYWORDS: Record Compression Microphone AIFF Hard Disk
-- MicroRecorder 2.0 --
MicroRecorder is functionally equivalent to a tape recorder. It allows
continuous background playback of sound from hard disk. This would
allow you to work with other programs while the sound is being played.
MicroRecorder has the following features:
- Record sound in AIFF and AIFF-C formats.
- Apple Events aware.
- Drag and drop capability.
- Support for 3:1 and 6:1 compression of the recorded sound.
- Fast forwarding and rewinding of sound being played.
- Volume adjustment.
- elapsed time display in seconds.
- Bar indicator for the portion of sound played.
- Pausing and stopping capabilities.
- Audio Selection and selection display.
- Repeat play.
- Miniaturizing windows for saving desktop space.
- Excellent 3D graphical interface and animation!
This Program has been extensively tested with the following Macintosh
-Centris 650
-II Si
-LC 520
-Powerbook 180
-- System Requirements :
-Hardware: 68020, 68030, or 68040 Macintosh.
-Color monitor (256 colors preferred) or 16 level grayscale.
-System 6.0.7 and higher.
-Sound manager 3.0 for best results.
-350k of free memory.
-Microphone for recording sound.
Questions, comments, bug reports can be E-Mailed to me at:
America Online :Latifi
Internet : Latifi@aol.com
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/micro-recorder-20.hqx; 88K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 16:09:09 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] Schuzzy 3.0.2
Subj: Schuzzy 3.0.2 January 9, 1994
From: AFL Bear
File: Schuzzy v3.0.2.sit (36057 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 82
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: Circus Circuits Software
NEEDS: StuffIt 3.0.x or equiv. to decompress
SYSTEM 7: Compatible
TYPE: Shareware Control Panel
LIBRARY: Mac OS New Files
>From the Author:
Schuzzy(tm) provides information about your SCSI devices and your Mac.
It will allow you to save or print all this information.
It will also allow you to mount disks that were not mounted on startup.
If your disk doesn't have a disk driver on it, Schuzzy also comes with a driver
you can install in memory to allow you to use your disk.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/schuzzy-302.hqx; 50K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 14:13:18 -0600
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] Screensaver/After Dark FAQ v1.9
Here's the latest version of the Mac Screensaver/After Dark FAQ for your
archives. Please replace all old copies of the FAQ (variously saved as
the screensaver-faq or the ad-faq) with this version 1.9.
Ideally, I'd like to see a copy with all the other Mac information, and
aliases to it where the After Dark modules are kept, and where other
shareware/freeware screensavers are kept.
-- L.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/screensaver-faq-19.txt; 83K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 13:54:31 +0100
From: Jordi Steve <jordi@scsun.unige.ch>
Subject: [*] SteveHandwriting Font Posting
Here is the second and last version of the SteveHandwriting font.
It is available in both TrueType and ATM Type 1 format.
It's now a complete font with all French, Scandinavian and Spanish accents,
and a lot of extra characters.
I have been experiencing some problems with ATM 3.0, not all extra characters
are interpreted, and remain as bitmaps, but the TrueType font works correctly.
Please replace the steve.hqx file you have with this one.
Steve JORDI - U. of Geneva - Switzerland - jordi@scsun.unige.ch
[Archived as /info-mac/font/steve-handwriting-20.hqx; 176K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 14:43:26 -0600 (CST)
From: Ryan Richard Koopmans <koops@owlnet.rice.edu>
Subject: [*] TeachersAide21.hqx
Teacher's Aide is a gradebook program for the Macintosh. It can manage
the grades for a class of any size or level. It allows you to add
weights, dropped grades, exemptions, and grouped grades to your grade
management scheme quickly and easily.
This program is absolutely free. You may distribute it as long as it
remains unmodified. All I ask is that you let me know if you use the
program. Please send an e-mail response.
Teacher's Aide comes with absolutely no guarantees or promises. Please
send all user acknowledgements, comments, bug reports, and suggestions
to: "koops@owlnet.rice.edu".
Ryan Koopmans
January 10, 1994
[Archived as /info-mac/app/teachers-aide-21.hqx; 133K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 22:38:03 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*] TidBITS#208/10-Jan-94
Macworld news abounds this issue, with brief looks at some of
the more interesting new products from the show, along with a
full review of the runaway hit, Connectix's fabulous RAM
Doubler. Mark Anbinder looks at Second Sight 3.0, and just to
make sure you're feeling sufficiently poor, we report just what
Sculley received in his severance package from Apple. Ick.
Do I Get This If I Resign?
Macworld Comments
Product Comments
Second Sight, Take Three
RAM Doubler
[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-208.etx; 30K]
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 18:26:47 MET
From: speranza@cirfid.unibo.it (Sauro Speranza)
Subject: [*] UPLOADING SCSI Eject
I've written this FKEY to eject a disk from a CD-ROM drive
but it may eject any disk which is removable by software.
SCSI eject is freeware.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/scsi-eject-fkey.hqx; 19K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 18:24:42 MET
From: speranza@cirfid.unibo.it (Sauro Speranza)
Subject: [*] UPLOADING suntar2.0b12
This is version 2.0 of suntar, the most powerful implementation of tar
for the Macintosh. It adds support for SCSI devices and a number of other
It's a beta, hence probably the old version should not be deleted from
the archives.
Suntar is freeware.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/suntar-20b12.hqx; 158K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 14:09:27 -0600
From: NEURO <fbohann@andy.bgsu.edu>
Subject: [*] VFTNMovie
This a a promo quicktime movie for the electronic zine Voices From the
Net. It has a cool little morph in it and a killer soundtrack. Enjoy and
--ric b.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/vftn-movie.hqx; 1915K]
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:24:25 -0800 (PST)
From: kenlong@netcom.com (Ken Long)
Subject: [*] warpii-c.sit.hqx
Mac People:
This is a simple "warp" source file, with a few variations. 5 examples of
warp, starburst and starfield Think C projects. The original was posted
by Tony Mattis on DevNet.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/warp-ii-c.hqx; 63K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 17:47:13 -0600
From: Clint Fleckenstein <fleckens@plains.NoDak.edu>
Subject: [*] warren-miller-ski.hqx
This System 7 sound file is a 22kHz mono sample of Warren Miller
with one of his favorite lines: "You want your ski...go get it!"
(True ski fans will know exactly what I'm talking about! :-)
Clint Fleckenstein (fleckens@plains.nodak.edu)
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/warren-miller-ski.hqx; 111K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 16:06:16 CST
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: [*] Word 5.0 Toolbar Addons
Subj: Word 5.0 Toolbar Addons January 9, 1994
From: RandomNumb
File: ToolbarAddons.sit (2878 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 77
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: RandomNumb
NEEDS: Microsoft Word 5.0+, ResEdit.
LIBRARY: MDPLNew Files/Word Processing Utilities
You do not have to remember the meanings of a lot of goofy picture icons in
Word toolbar. You can use ResEdit to create real words that you can
Here are some samples to add to your Toolbar file.
The contents of this file were checked for viruses with SAM 3.5
[Archived as /info-mac/app/word-toolbar-addons.hqx; 5K]
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 08:04:00 -0500
From: "Tom Scott" <Tom_Scott@qmengr.mail.cornell.edu>
Subject: [A] System Memory Hog on Q9
[A] System Memory Hog on Q950
Bull Durham <WCD%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> asks:
>While my IIx is in the shop I'm using a brand new Quadra 950. Out of the
>carton, the system is using almost 10 Meg of the 16 Meg RAM installed.
> Is this normal? I've run MemMapper 1.1.1, and 8 Meg of the usage is
>in High Memory (debuggers, sound & video buffers, etc.). But I'm not
>using it for anything different than I did with the IIX, which with 7.0
>used less than 2 Meg. Could it be this obscenely large 21" monitor?
Is 32-bit addressing turned on? If not, anything over 8 MB is being dumped
into the System memory usage. Check it out.
Thomas Scott, Systems Manager, College of Engineering
Cornell University, Carpenter Hall Annex, Ithaca, NY 14853
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 08:52:05 EST
From: dberry@SEI.CMU.EDU (Daniel Berry)
Subject: Abaton Fax Modem
In August '92, I bought an Abaton FAX modem to use with a MAC II. At the
time, we had System 6.0.7 running on the mac and the software worked just
fine. We recently upgraded to a Centris running system 7.1 and now the
Abaton supplied software does not work.
I thought to approach the company for an upate, but the phone numbers given
in the manuals are no longer in service, a call to information in the same
area code yields no new phone number, and a glance through the company
names in the BIG monthly products guide shows NO Abaton. Ergo, it looks
like the company has gone out of business.. sigh..
Does anyone know for sure what happened?
Were they bought out by another company that can be contacted?
Did the company ever produce a later version that is system 7 compatible?
If so, does anyone know where a copy can be licensed?
Any pointers will be appreciated..
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:33:04 -0500 (EST)
Subject: A Mac II upgrade question
I have been charged with upgrading a Mac II. Of course, I want to
put the latest Sys-7 and maybe slap on some SIMMS and maybe an accelerator.
Perhaps even junk the 40Mb HD and get something like a 210+MB. Anyone with
recent experience wish to share info? What about the ROMs. Will I need a
32 bit enabler? My dept will be picking up the tab, so cost is
Thanx in advance
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 11:51:27 -0500 (EST)
From: David Garrett <SSA94ISA02@RCNVMS.RCN.MASS.EDU>
Subject: AppleWorks to Mac [Q]
Hi, all. Happy New Year! Here's my question: how do I translate
files from Apple ][e to Mac? I saw a posting a while back on how to
do it over a cable, but I don't have comm software for the ][e.
On the ][e end, I have AppleWorks word-processor data files on 5.25"
data disks, plus a ProDOS startup disk containing AppleWorks itself.
On the Mac side, I have access to an LC with a ][e card and a 5.25"
drive, running 7.0.1. I only had a few minutes to play with it, and
it seemed to me that when it was in Mac mode, it couldn't see the
5.25" drive, and when it was emulating a ][e, it couldn't see the 3.5"
All I want to do is get the data files onto a Mac-formatted 3.5"
floppy, in a format easily readable by MSWord. TEXT would be
perfectly fine. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but since the
LC belongs to a school, I don't have access to the (F) manual. Lab
assistant was able to offer no assistance, as usual. So can anyone
out there send me instructions on how to accomplish this? It must be
possible--even simple--but I'm missing it.
Please reply to ssa94isa02@ecn.mass.edu and I'll summarize for the
list. Thanks in advance!
Date: 10 Jan 94 19:11:00 CST
From: "Eugene Cohen" <eugene@rover.uchicago.edu>
Subject: ARA Delay
I'm thinking of setting up ARA on my computer at home. Since the line would
be shared for both voice and modem, would it be possible to tell ARA to wait
for some ridiculout amount of rings like fifteen before answering? Or would
it be less trouble to get a little device that routes the call depending on
what's on the other end?
(Please respond directly to eugene@rover.bsd.uchicago.edu. Thanks)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 18:41:43 -0600 (CST)
From: "Larry Rymal:T.E.M.U.G.-EAST_TEXAS-" <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Subject: Autodoubler
On Mon, 10 Jan 1994, Raul A. Zaritsky wrote:
> George, I made the mistake of using Autodoubler. A number of odd
> things occurred, but mainly it slowed everything down by 3 or 4
> times: my fax modem software would answer after people hung up!
> When I tried to turn it off and expand everthing back, one to four
> files in a hundred were corrupted. My advice, stay away from
> Autodoubler.
It would certainly be helpful if folks who complain about software
would list the version numbers, when the software was PURCHASED and what
kind of Macs this software was used on, including drive size and drive
Blanketly flaming a product, and one that has an excellent
reputation, needs to have some qualifiers so that isolation can better be
done in milking out any problems.
For starters, AutoDoubler does its work tyically within free ram,
meaning that decompression during program loading is transparent and
program execution is sometimes faster than an uncompressed file. Longer
loading can occur only if the file demands to be in written status during
its load process. In that case, you merely lock the file and keep it that
way unless needed to be kept in the write state. QuickTime movies are
examples of this.
There is absolutely no way that AutoDoubled files are going to
execute 3 or 4 times longer, especially if AutoDoubler is set up as
suggested in the MANUAL. On the other hand, DiskDoubled files, compressed
and expanded by DiskDoubler, will take much longer. Solution? Don't use
DiskDoubler, BUY AutoDoubler. Use DiskDoubler for maintenance only and
instant compression, as explained in the manual.
AutoDoubler is a quality product, reliable, and will not corrupt
files. I tenderly installed the product on my real Macs and my fake Mac,
and followed the suggestions and directions that were in the manual. If
AutoDoubler will work flawlessly on an Atari ST emulating a Mac why should
it not work on a real Mac?
In my limited experience, AutoDoubler has worked flawlessly on an
SE/30, Mac LC, Mac LCIII, and an 840AV. It performs flawlessly on the
Spectre GCR Macintosh emulator for the Atari ST. All these machines are
loaded to the gills with friendly and not so friendly CDEVs and
I will admit that these machines constantly have their software
kept up to date, and buggy extensions and CDEVs are not used or accepted.
The aforementioned Macs have their hard drives optimized regularly, and
automatically, by DiskExpress II. And YES! DiskExpress II and
AutoDoubler work fine in concert with each other, with both doing their
jobs in the background without conflict.
--Larry Rymal <lrymal@tenet.edu>
Date: 10 Jan 94 19:14:00 CST
From: "Eugene Cohen" <eugene@rover.uchicago.edu>
Subject: AV!
I'm fortunate enough to be purchasing a Quadra 660av this week, some I'm
concerned as to what I should know before purchasing one. For examples, are
there any major bugs or incompatibilites that I should be aware of? I'm sorry
if these things have already been mentioned in previous issues, but I don't
always have time to read through every message. Please respond directly
to my E-Mail address for this reason. Thanks.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 18:31:50 -0800
From: kroemer@apex.ece.ucsb.edu (Herb Kroemer)
Subject: Backup software for Hard Disk on MO
In Digest #5, Tanju asks:
>I recently acquired an APS magneto-optical drive (128 MB disks).
>I am looking for backup software that can use the MO disks to
>backup my harddrive. I prefer finder-compatible backups.
I am using Redux (Deluxe) in precisely this scenario, and recommend it
highly. And, yes, my backups are in Finder-readable form (wouldn't have it
any other way!). Contrary to what you may hear, Redux DOES give you the
option of Finder-readable backups, IF the entire backup fits on a single
cartridge. With 128 MB cartridges, this is not a severe limit: I have my
hard disk partitioned into several volumes under 128 MB anyway. Each
partition has quite distinct backup needs, and is backed up individually in
any event.
If you do not wish to partition the disk, you can use the superb script
language of Redux to sort your files into generic backup groups under 128
Meg, and back up each group in Finder-readable form.
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:44:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Can a mac talk (?)
What do I need to get my mac to talk? I have the speech manager, but
I couldn't get the other (6Mb) part from ftp.apple.com. My VAX account
petered out at about 4Mb. Do I need the other part?
Date: 11 Jan 94 14:35:16 GMT
From: Bob.Kenyon@sp1.y-net.es
Subject: Connect Mac to Windows NT (Q)
We're thinking of linking a Mac as a user interface to programs running on a
Windows NT machine, initially using a serial line, later perhaps Ethernet.
We are wondering what software we could use to link them. As well as text
terminal emulation, it could be interesting to run both Mac and native NT
graphics programs remotely on the NT.
All that has ocurred to us so far is:
(1) text terminal emulation programs (but what do we need on the NT to serve
(2) Timbuktoo (does it work on NT?);
(3) X Window (does it work on NT?);
Any more suggestions welcomed. I will post a summary.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 21:18:38 +0200 (EET)
From: Matti Haveri <mhaveri@phoenix.oulu.fi>
Subject: Custom icons and filenames (c)
>>Sven Guckes: But I always wondered why naming a (visible) folder
>>"Icon" does not clash with a custom icon file.
>Fabrizio Oddone: That is because the Finder cleverly puts a ASCII 13
>code after "Icon". The 13 code corresponds to the return key. You
>cannot add a return character to the end of the name because the
>Finder "thinks" you want to confirm the name you entered.
It is possible to create a filename "Icon(CR)" by copying that string
in a word processor and pasting it to the file. If the folder
containing that file has a custom icon then the friendly Finder says
that the filename is already in use.
-Matti Haveri <mhaveri@phoenix.oulu.fi>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 20:14:05 -0500 (EST)
From: David Garrett <SSA94ISA02@RCNVMS.RCN.MASS.EDU>
Subject: DMA on a Q800?
Heya! We just bought Silverlining. I recall reading here that
Silverlining's drivers don't support Direct Memory Access (DMA).
So if one installs Silverlining on a CPU that uses DMA, hard drive
performance speeds will slow down.
Assuming I've understood that part correctly, the big question is,
which machines use DMA and which ones don't? (We have a Quadra 800,
but let's make the question more general so more people can benefit by
the answer.)
Thanks in advance,
-Dave ssa94isa02@ecn.mass.edu
Where there's smoke, there's something smoking.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 08:13:54 -0600
From: ktubman@alfa.Arco.COM (Ken Tubman)
Subject: Dollars & Sense (A)
> Dollars & Sense is put out by Monogram Software, Inc.
> I am not aware of an application which will strip a D&S password, it
> would be nice to know if there is one and where I could get a hold of it.
Dollars & Sense is now handled by the Software Developers Consortium.
They are about to release version 6.0. Their phone number is 801-288-1222.
Ken Tubman
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 22:07:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: DOORWAY mode
Anyone ever hear of this? I believe it is a protocol of some sort. Our
university has installed a BBS-type software that in addition to acting as
a BBS, also allows access to a network. They have CD_ROMS on this network which
one can access as if one were sitting on the network. The problem is that
the comm software must work in DOORWAY mode to properly display graphics. The
system (as could be expected) is really geared towards DOS users. :^(
But some dork at the university says that if my software is recent, I should
have no problem. What the hell is DOORWAY and why have I never even seen
the term? Also, any shareware commware that supports it?
Thanx in advance
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 16:19:15 -0500
From: jsc@ram.suny.geneseo.edu (Jon Christiansen)
Subject: Error with Sparkle 1.7
Has anyone successfully gotten the new version of Sparkle (1.7)
that was posted recently to work? Even after boosting up its memory via
the finder, I cant even get the demo mpeg that comes with it to work... it
starts to draw its window, and you can see the controls on the bottom, but
then the applications unexpectedly quit because of an error of type 1
Jon Christiansen (jsc@ram.suny.geneseo.edu)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 12:40:13 +0000 (GMT)
From: Charlie Stross <charless@sco.COM>
Subject: File sharing is inaccessible on PB145b [Q]
I've got a weird problem. Don't know what's causing it. Don't know how
to solve it. Any gurus out there?
The problem is with a Mac Powerbook 145b 8/80, running the System 7.1 b
release that came with it. A while ago I used the shareware program
Switchback (from the Sumex archive) to equalize disk contents with
my Mac Classic, configured as an Appletalk server. Everything worked
fine, until next time I tried switching appletalk on.
The Powerbook can't open appletalk. The sharing setup control panel
shows a checkbox for program linking, but the file sharing checkbox
has disappeared. I've checked the port and nothing else is trying
to use it (my first guess was my DeskWriter, then MacPPP). MacTCP
recognizes that appletalk is installed. Somehow the machine seems to
have gotten itself configured so that it can't start up file sharing!
I managed to cure the problem once by blowing away my system folder
and restoring a backup I'd made with Powerbook Backup. However this
isn't satisfactory; PB Backup eats floppies, so apart from one backup
(made a few weeks after purchase) I've been using appletalk to back up
to a different hard disk rather than playing swap-the-floppy.
Consequently, the system backup I made is rather out of date.
Does anyone know what configuration option or file might be causing
the appletalk problem, and how I might be able to cure it?
Failing that, does anyone know how to let a Mac Classic running MacTCP
and either InterSLIP or MacPPP accept a PPP or SLIP _login_, so that
I can shift files around via ftp over a null modem serial cable?
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:14:42 -0500
From: etter@umbsky.cc.umb.edu
Subject: Floppy Drive Dead on Powerbook 140
Howdy Folks,
The floppy drive on my Powerbook 140 just died and I remember a recent thread
that discussed a fuse that might affect the drive. Of course, I didn't pay much
attention to the discussion at the time because I didn't have the problem.
Can anyone fill me in on the potential that the inoperable floppy drive is due
to a blown fuse. Since it is out a warranty, I'd like to save $$$ by fixing it
Ron Etter
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 11:43:58 -0500
From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
Subject: Font with Crossed (European) 7?
Here's a simple one...is anyone out there aware of a font (preferably
PostScript) with a crossed 7 in it?
* kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 07:28:50 -0500
From: by303@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jay L. Cross)
Subject: Free Net information source
> Date: Sat, 08 Jan 94 03:17:58 CST From: Akira
> <ZU01988%UABDPO.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject:
> FreeNets
> Can someone tell me where I can get a lost of freenets? Or
> send them to me DIRECTLY. No need to waste bandwith on this
> one guys/gals/people/ humans/sapians and all the.
> Thanks Akira
Send your question, or any other regarding Free Nets to info@nptn.org.
Hope that helps.
Jay Cross Cross Resources (216) 286-8282
HyperCard development, Macintosh user training, DTP
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 23:37:25 GMT
From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
Subject: Garbage.MOV - QuickTime movie from NCSA
MWW@tntech.edu writes:
>This is a QuickTime movie produced by NCSA.
>That has an environmental theme.
>It is very good and large ~5.5MB.
It's too large to just "try it".
Please be more specific!
What happens?
Does it have sound?
How long does it play?
Which version of QuickTime does it require?
Sven :)?
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 08:35:15 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Rank <RANK@uwplatt.edu>
Subject: HC 2.1 Stack ==> HC 2.2
Here at the Univ. we have used HyperCard as a front end tool
for some specialized tasks.
Does anybody know if HyperCard 2.1 stacks can be converted
to HyperCard 2.2? Has anyone done this, and what were the
results. How about the XCMD's and XFCN's? Did they convert
over? The XCMD that is most important is the "execsql"
command that is part of the Oracle for Macintosh package.
Thanks in advance.
Mark Rank
Univ. Wisc at Platteville
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 16:05:59 -0500
From: clu@po.CWRU.Edu (Christopher L. Ursich)
Subject: How do I use icons from Info-Mac archives?
Hello InfoMac,
I often see icon files posted to the InfoMac archives.
I downloaded the Rush Limbaugh icons today, but
the file decompresses to two folders with nothing
in them. I presume, like other icon files, that they
are invisible. How do I use 'em if I can't even see 'em!?
I don't have ResEdit. How do I use the icons that
people always post to the archives?
"If computers ever get too powerful, we can always
organise them into a commitee--that will do them in."
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 08:57:31 +0100
From: Johan Solve <Johan.Solve@itn.hh.se>
Subject: How to disassemble a Duo?
Are there any instructions on the net on how to disassemble a Duo enough to
install a modem or a hard drive? Or can anyone supply tips on how to carry on?
I know how to void the warranty, and I have succesfully dissected and
reassembled a PB100, but a Duo seems to be far more complicated to work with.
Thus, tips on how to avoid breaking plastic parts or something else are more
than welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Johan Solve Department of Science and Technology
johan.solve@itn.hh.se Halmstad University, Sweden
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 15:49:04 -0600
From: Allen Kitchen <allenk@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #3
Greetings Networld.
I have spotted an odd problem with one of our LC3s. Hhen started
up in the morning (or any other time) sometimes the mouse is frozen.
Restarting the computer usually fixes the problem.
I seem to remember hearing about other folk here talking about the
same thing a few months back. Can someone tell me what the problem and the
fix is? Only 1 of the 4 LC3 computers does this...
Allen Kitchen (Look for my first AD module here soon...)
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 15:44:39 -0500 (EST)
From: Tim Colson <tlcolson@cmg.health.ufl.edu>
Subject: Info on Multi-User PRIVATE POPmail that's CHEAP!
Hi all,
I've been struggling with Eudora 1.2.2. to attempt to get our Quadra
800 on ether to access our Sparc 10/51 (unix box/pop mail server)...it
works fine if you only want one user - I want multiple users (everyone in
the lab - about 8 people) to be able to have "private" mailboxes without
them having to use the UNIX box directly (ugh!).
However, I need to be cheap about this...so if there is a way of
maligning Eudora Settings files into thinking they are for different
users...or if there is some other POP mail client that is shareware and
will do the job - please let me know via email.
Thanks in advance!
Timothy Colson
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero."-found in a finger by a finger
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 13:07:46 MEZ
From: David Steiner <DSTEINER@dosuni1.rz.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE>
Subject: INIT icons & startup screen
In IM 12:3 m.c. schraefel writes:
> yesterday, the pb started doing somethig weird:
>the extension icons on startup now come on AFTER the startup
>screen but before the desk top.
Recently someone else posted a similar problem but I did not see a response
(I was so far behind in my Digest reading that I let it slide).
I suddenly noticed something similar awhile back. The start up screen would
appear and then a couple of seconds later the desktop pattern would show
and then the startup icons would start parading across the screen. After they
were finished, Decor would kick in and put up my pretty Apple Over Windows
desktop. After thinking about it for a time, I figured out what was different
in my system that may have caused it. I had set the Chooser to automatically
mount our Novell file server on boot. When I turned this off, the startup
proceeded as before with the init icons over the startup screen.
Since you mentioned something about a network connection, m.c., I suggest
that you check the chooser to see if it is trying to find a file server
(or make some other network connection) on startup.
Hope this helps.
David R. Steiner, Research Assoc., Remote Sensing & GIS
ISPA-Uni. Osnabrueck D-49364 Vechta, Germany
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 11:16:16 -0600
From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455)
Subject: Installing SIMMs in a Q800 (R)
>I just started to install a couple of 8 meg SIMMs in a Quadra 800, but they
>didn't come with instructions and it's not at all obvious to me how to get
>the logic board out. Anyone care to provide guidance? Thanks in advance.
I understand your confusion. In my opinion the case for the Q800 is one of
the worst design in terms of upgrade ease.
What you have to do after you remore the four external screws, is to also
remove the center screw which holds the mother board to the supporting
bracket and the power and disk cables attached to the board. After doing so
you can then slide the board toward the back of the case, this will release
the four clips that holds the board in place. You should now be able to
swing the board 180 degress reviewing its SIMM slots.
Good luck! If you feel slightly uncomfortable doing this call your local
dealer. That's the best thing you can do. Since this procedure is slightly
more complicated as compare to the Mac II's, may be a good indication that
Apple wants you to go to your dealers.
BTW: have you tried calling the vendor for your SIMMs to see if they can
send you some detail instructions. Most vendor will do this.
Remeber static is really really bad for your mother board!!
-- Vinko
Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, vinko@applelink.apple.com
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 08:21:31 EST
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Is ADB Splitter Available (A)
On Wed, 5 Jan, Rick Rohan wrote
>I have just gotten a Wacom ArtZ Pen tablet and have a problem. I have a Mac
>IIsi which only has one ADB port and I would like to connect both my mouse
>and the ArtZ tablet (in addition to the keyboard).
>* Q1: Does a mouse and tablet work together ok?
They should.
>* Q2: Is there a way of buying/making an ADB 'Splitter' which could provide
> an additional ADB port.
Black Box (1-800-321-0746) sells an ADB Port Extender (MF-EVMA18 for
$25), a six-foot cable with two ADB ports at the end. Sounds like what
you need.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 17:31:41 PST
From: Jeff Richards <jeff@aesyvr2.pwc.bc.doe.ca>
Subject: Laser Printers
Does anyone know of an FAQ regarding laser printers and which ones are good,
bad, etc.? I've been considering getting one - perhaps a refurbished one
(since I'm not exactly overflowing with $$$). Was wondering if anyone has
had experience with the Quickdraw ones(e.g. the old Apple SC and the newer
Select 300), what about the old NT and the newer Personal NTR?
Is a laser printer the sort of thing that is safe to buy refurbished, or is
that false economy? Also which models use the same cartridges as the HP
LaserJet II that I've got hooked up to my PC?
TIA for any and all information.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 03:34:10 GMT
From: dkdean@iastate.edu (David K Dean)
Subject: LaserWriter 8.1.1
Could someone please tell me the location of the LaserWriter 8.1.1
driver at ftp.apple.com or sumex? Thanks a lot.
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 19:54:30 -0500 (EST)
From: "Tad Davis" <davist@mercury.umis.upenn.edu>
Subject: LineLink 144e (C)
> I have to say in defense of the LineLink that I have not had a bit of
> trouble connecting to a variety of server. Likewise, I have had no
> problems sending or receiving faxes. My only problem has been connecting
> SLIP program.
I use the LineLink 144e with MacSLIP every day, and have not had any
problems. I haven't used it to fax anything, but the friend who blazed the
path has been faxing stuff with it since day one. Maybe it's beginner's
There is no question the modem is cheaply made, in all senses of the word.
But it does everything I need it to do.
Tad Davis
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 00:41:16 +0100 (MET)
From: MARC CLEIREN <CLEIREN@rulfsw.LeidenUniv.nl>
Subject: LineLink144e problems with servers: a possible explanation
Dear netters
Lately there have been some complaints about the LineLink 144e modem.
I noticed that most of the authors on info-mac were referring to
sites where typically multi-modem pools are present (university networks).
I myself ordered a LinLink from MacWarehouse (BTW, it arrived in the
only 3 days after I ordered!, almost faster than local mail).
The modem works fine with most bulletin boards except.....
I have experienced some of the same problems hooking up to our university
server at a
speed higher than 2400bps (which requires less electronic juggling than other
protocolls, and works like my old modem did).
It took me several hundreds of logon attempts, init strings and many
phonecalls to the university computer center etc. to find out what my problem
Here is what I suspect is the culprit:
- The LineLink 144e has as far as I can see a V32bis negotiation
protocol, which
can drop back to lower data transfer rates but, as far as I could
deduct from the
meager documentation *not* handle a modem with an older protocol like
the V32.
This is the price you pay for having this cheap modem I guess.
- Many bulletin boards nowadays tend to be up to date with V32bis
and these give no problems (for me at least).
- From our support unit at the server, I learned that they have a modem
that can
handle up to 9600 bps communication with MNP5 and V32 protocol, and is
thus not capable of communicating with the LineLink: they talk
- The reason why I suspect other Linelink-server info-mac communicators
are having the same problem:
the computer support center told me they *want* to get a V32bis-V42
but that they have trouble finding a stable modem that can
handle V32bis at *eight lines at the same time*, which is
a requirement for them and probably for more dial-in networks
around the globe. They are still testing some multi-line V32bis modems
and hope they have installed one by the end of this month.
So..perhaps you should ask your computer center
about the protocol they use and what upgrade they have in store before you
back the LineLink. It may be that your server will catch up with you one day,
and you can than have your fun at 14.000bps with the error correction you
dream of.
If you find this to be the problem indeed, please drop me a note, and I will
and summarize back to the net,
Greetings, Marc Cleiren
Clinical & Health Psychology
Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Date: Mon, 10 JAN 94 9:37:17 EST
From: CAMEROWD%ML%WPAFB@sparky.ml.wpafb.af.mil
Subject: Locking/unlocking groups of files (A)
Mike Cramer asks:
>Does anyone know of a free/shareware utility to lock and unlock
>a group of files all at once without having to use the Get Info
>dialog for each one?
I think File Buddy, written by Laurence Harris, will do what you
want. It will also change type and creator, along with many
other flags. It is shareware, US$15.00, and should be archived
as: info-mac/gui/file-buddy-18.hqx, 128Kbytes.
Bill Cameron
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 09:57:59 EST
From: iedh1@agt.gmeds.com ( Daniel J. Hofferth (317) 230-4791 AGT/8896)
Subject: Locking/unlocking groups of files (R)
Responding to:
> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 1994 13:40:01 -0500
> From: craymer@emr.ca (Mike Craymer)
> Does anyone know of a free/shareware utility to lock and unlock a group
> of files all at once without having to use the Get Info dialog for each
> one?
>Mike Craymer
While trying to find the right mix of commercial and shareware tools,
I once looked at "FileTyper" and thought it was a nicely done package.
It includes a utility that installs a "FileType... cmd-T" menu item to
the Finder's "File" menu. Select a group of files, hit cmd-T, and you
are presented with a dialog box that will let you change any of the
many available file attributes for one file at a time, or all at once.
No modifications to the system file itself, it just inserts itself
politely at startup. There was a stand-alone application that also
does attribute tweaking... and a utility to create your own customized
drag-and-drop applets... I forget the details, but it's worth a look.
Try "sumex-aim:/info-mac/disk/file-typer-41.hqx"
or "mac.archive.umich.edu:/mac/util/diskfile/filetyper4.1.sit.hqx"
Dan Hofferth
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 09:19:49 +0100
From: edmond@quincy.inria.fr (Patrick Edmond)
Subject: Mail order Macs in Europe? (Q)
Fellow Info-Mac folk:
I'm about to take the Mac plunge, probably in the shape of a Performa 475
available in my local Mac retailer for F13000 (about US$2200) and in the USA
for rather less. But before I break open my piggybank and march down to the
store with 260,000 5-centime coins in my pocket(s), I thought I'd ask:
Has anyone in Europe (preferably in France, but I'll settle for anywhere in
EC...oops, this week it's called "European Union" :-) ) any experience of
ordering a
Mac from the US by mail order? Things I'd be particularly interested in
- reliable Mac suppliers with experience in international shipments
- the attitude of your local customs people: did you have to pay
import duty, TVA/MWSt/VAT/sales tax, etc.?
- after-sales support: what happens if there's a hardware problem, etc.
Any other tips?
I'll summarise to Info-Mac if there's sufficient response.
Thanks in advance!
Patrick EDMOND
edmond@quincy.compass.fr, despite what my mailer may claim to the contrary
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 17:45:38 PST
From: Tim D. Castle <tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com>
Subject: More than 99 MB per app?
Okay, I realize this isn't exactly a common problem, but maybe someone out
will know the answer:
One of the users I support wants to know if it is possible to allocate more
99 MB of RAM to an application. He's got a Quadra 950 with 256MB installed, and
he'd like to give Photoshop as much RAM as possible for rendering. He can't
it use more than 99 MB, though.
I guess life can be tough, sometimes.
Anyway, does anyone know if this is a limitation of the Mac OS, or is there
other reason why he can't get it to work?
And how come HE gets to have all the good stuff?
Tim Castle tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com
End-User Computing, GTE Gov't Systems, Mountain View, CA
Date: 11 Jan 94 02:06:35 EST
From: Cliff Miller <71175.3152@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Pacific HiTech is Alive and Well!
[For some reason this message got mangled in transmission... at least the
first part did. I suspect it was becuase Cliff included a valid mail
header From line and our mailer didn't preface the line with a ">"... :(
So I think the first line from the body of this message got lost. -Gordon]
Pacific HiTech, the ones who produce the CD-ROM of teh Info-Mac archive, have
disappeared off the edge of the earth. Not so -- we are alive and kicking!!
A couple of weeks ago, though, we did have a hard disc die on us, and I lost a
bunch of email (CompuServe and AppleLink). If you mailed us something during
the past month or so, please remail. As far as no one answering the phones
... there were a few days before and after the holidays when we were
shorthanded (sorry about that -- we'll try to do better).
In any case, after many delays and a few tribulations, Info-Mac CD-ROM 3 is
JUST ABOUT READY FOR PRESSING. This time we have a friendlier interface for
the file descriptions, and the disc will be plenty full. (My best guess is
that we'll have the discs in our hands ready to ship around Jan 25. I'll post
a message again once we're ready to start taking orders.)
We appreciate your patience and apologize for the delays.
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 11:51:29 -0600
From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
Subject: PB trackball fix
On Thu, 06 Jan 94 18:42:36 EST "Christopher B. Hopkins (Wesley)"
<HOPKINS@american.edu> wrote:
>For those of you who don't know how to clean it, I just turned the
>trackball ring counterclockwise, then took a Q-tip and rubbed the
>two blue rollers and the three red "eyes" to get this grayish gunk off
>it. Then I cleaned the trackball (watered down alcohol) and stuck it
>back in. No sweat.
Now that this has come up, I'd like to send out a word of warning and a plea
1) Be careful when taking out and putting back in the trackball ring. The two
tiny "feet" which hold and lock it in place seem to be inordinately
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 11:02:13 -0600
From: monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu (Monty Hampton)
Subject: PCX Files
Fellow Netters:
Our institution has provided me with a number of files created in CorelDraw
with the suffix .PCX --- Does anyone know of a converter that will convert
these files to TIFF or PICT files or something I can use with MacDrawPro or
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 15:12:28 +0100
From: atocasv@u.ato.abb.se (Caj E Svensson)
Subject: Problems with LaserWriter 8.1 installation
Happy New Year, everybody out there.
I have a question regarding installation of the LaserWriter 8.1 driver that
can be found as a DiskCopy image from ftp.apple.com
I downloaded this file but I can't get the stuff installed. The Installer
gave an error message and stopped immediately when I tried to install from
the image, mounted with the Control Panel MountImage.
After this first attempt, I decided to build a diskette from the image with
the DiskCopy program and to install from this diskette. Also with this
method the installation stops. But in this case it is able to copy all
pieces of software onto disk and then, when trying to unpack the stuff, it
returns something like "opserr -43", waiting for acknowledge, and then
deletes everything copied.
I have actually tried to download the image twice but with same result. The
file on ftp.apple.com is in BinHex format and I think it uses some check
sum to make sure that the unpack gives same result as the original pack
I also tried to download the 800k parts and install from them, both as
DiskCopy images and as floppies, but with same result.
My system was reinstalled something like two weeks ago so I don't think
there is any problem with that. I have a Macintosh IIsi with a Radius A4
screen that can be turned 90 degrees connected.
What to do?
I don't subscribe to this list, so, please, respond by personal replies to
my e-mail address.
--Caj E Svensson
Date: Mon, 10 JAN 94 10:44:14 EST
From: CAMEROWD%ML%WPAFB@sparky.ml.wpafb.af.mil
Subject: SF-171 MacApplication (A)
Clive Wilmont asks:
>Does anyone know where I can get the SF-171 (Govt. job
>application) MacApplication?
The one that I've seen is a Filemaker Pro file, archived as:
and on respective mirror archives.
Bitte Schoen,
Bill Cameron
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 17:17:04 EST
From: "arthur s ellen" <ELLEN@PACEVM.DAC.PACE.EDU>
Subject: sound and system 7
I have been downloading some sounds from my local bulletin board. But
they will _not_ go into my system folder. I think I need something to
alter or edit them so that these sounds will be system 7.1 ready, like
an editor. Does someone have any suggestions?
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 10:39:17 -0600
From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455)
Subject: Spanish 6.07 (R)
>Can anyone tell me where I can find a copy of System 6.07 in Spanish?
>I've located 7.01 in Spanish at Apple's FTP site...unfortunately I
>need 6.07.
The best place for old Sys software is either from developers or contact
your local dealers. Apple has been shipping out the complete set of
International Sys on Developer's CD's for many years so I'm sure you can
find a local developer or dealer who may have one of the older CD that
contains what you want.
Let me know if you want more assistance.
-- Vinko
Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, vinko@applelink.apple.com
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 20:18:59 GMT
From: bmfogar@erenj.com (Ben Fogarty)
Subject: spoolers
Those of us who have an Imagewriter connected to
our MACs now have a problem!!!
There is a product called Super Laser Spool designed
to provide background spooling on the MAC. It works with
all current hardware and software and was produced by
some company that Symantic ate up. The powers that be
at Symantic decided we should all use LASER printers on
our systems (System 7 does not spool to ImageWriters)
so they DISCONTINUED selling Super Laser Spool. They
no longer ship out new copies but will support it until it
is no longer cost beneficial to do same. There used to
be a shareware product called Multispool around a couple
years ago, but that no longer works on system 7.1 and
I can't find the author (I think he was in Italy when I
bought it).
Being selfish, I really am only writing to see if someone
out there knows of a product (free or shareware if possible)
which will spool ImageWriters on the current software. If
you have a copy of Super Laser Spool and no longer need it,
I would sure like to get it from you. I appreciate any
pointer on how to spool my old ImageWriterII. Thanks for
your help.
Ben Fogarty
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 10:32:37 EST
From: alan@kaman.com (Alan Piszcz)
Subject: Tex converters
Does any know of a Macintosh or PC
Tex processor or translator?
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 17:48:38 GMT
From: r_coop@dapsun.lif.icnet.uk (Richard Coop)
Subject: undigesting of digest files
I wonder if youi can help us. We are currently running USENET NEWS by use
of the INN news server. The info-mac digest is received as the comp.sys.mac.
digest group. Each digest appears as an article instead of being 'exploded'
Do you know of anybody who has written/is using software to explode these
digests and feed the individual articles into the INN server?
Richard Coop,
Systems Support,
Imperial Cancer Research Fund,
London, UK.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 17:16:38+080
From: joofung@iss.nus.sg (Wong Joo Fung)
Subject: Upgrading PB100's harddisk
A friend of mine would like to upgrade the harddisk of his Powerbook 100.
What's the best way to go about doing this? Any recommendations (eg,
internal vs external) and suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Joo Fung
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 11:52:59 -0500 (EST)
From: Kiepura Jean <kiepuraj@ERE.UMontreal.CA>
Subject: Utilities for users with disabilities - help.
A friend of mine who works with impaired people needs to find two
utilities, preferably shareware:
1- something to enlarge the arrow pointer on a Powerbook. Alternatively,
how about enlarging the CURS resource in the system? Is it feasable?
2- something to modify the behavior of the menubar, so that once clicked,
a menu stays open until further action, a la Windows. [ I know, Windows
interface on the Mac is asking for trouble...send your flames to
syncretism@vatican.com.it... :-) ]
Please answer by email.
Jean Kiepura, GEOSONDE, Universite de Montreal - kiepuraj@ere.umontreal.ca
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 18:05 EST
From: Don't Panic! <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Virgin Games (C)
Dear Netters,
On a previous post, I said I couldn't get Caesar's Palace to work. The not so
obvious answer occurred to me. The disk it came on had no piece of plastic in
the disk lock/unlock part of the disk. I had to drag the Diskdoubler archive
onto my hard disk before expanding. Then, I could install the game. If
anyone from Virgin Games is listening, they should include instructions of
installing their software, so it works, for both Mac and IBM. While the
package said Mac version, the instructions included only supported IBM
versions. At least it works, and I got what I paid for. I apologize to
Virgin Games for my previous post.
Like the header says, I shouldn't panic.
Moral: If anyone who buys Mac software finds that the file that has a DD Icon
is on a locked disk, they should copy it onto a non-locked disk, or make an
effort to unlock the disk.
Hope this helps someone here on the Net.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 16:57 EST
From: Don't Panic! <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Virgin Games Caesar's Palace 1.0 is BETA (Q)
Dear Netters,
I just bought Caesar's Palace at Egghead. I have a Mac LC 12" RGB with 256
Color capability. No FPU. The questions is, why do I get an error #44 when
trying to install the software's DiskDoubler archive, and why does it ask for
a non-existant Data Disk when I run Caesar's Palace LC?
In addition, when I checked the version number with ResEdit, it says 1.0.0
Beta Version. Can you believe that? A pre-packaged Beta version at Egghead?
Does anyone have a newer version that they can BinHex over to via e-mail that
works on the above machine? The Tech support at Virgin Software is always
Maybe someone is out there who could answer some of my questions.
Thank you.
ABRODY@BLACK.CLARKU.EDU (send your e-mail binhex here, if you have a copy).
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:12:57 -0600 (CST)
From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Virtual Memory in System 7
Greetings, everyone!
I was wondering if it there is a utility that exists that allows a Mac user to
select whether System 7's virtual memory is on or off after the startup
sequence finishes. I hate having to access the Memory control panel everytime
I want to do large memory work, and then turning it off to play smooth QT
movies or play my games.
If this doesn't exist, would anyone be willing to write something along these
lines? I'd appreciate any assistance with this kind of thing!
Neil E. Mickelson
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 11:59:27 CST
From: "Bill Frazier" <GG.WSF@ISUMVS.IASTATE.EDU>
Subject: Virtual Memory Problem -- Resolution
In an earlier post, I reported that I was unable to get my IIci to
actually enter virtual memory mode ebven though the MEMORY CP
assured me that VM was set. I thank all those who responded with
suggestions. The problem is resolved.
I still do not know the exact cause of the VM problem I reported.
The solution which finally worked was to re-obtain the 7.0.1
distribution from Apple's ftp site and to try the MEMORY control
panel in that distribution. I can only conclude that MEMORY on the
distribution I had was broken. When I got the one from the newly
obtained copy, VM started upon reboot just as it should.
Point of interest to some who sent me notes is that 32 bit mode is
indeed NOT required for VM on a IIci. According to some books I
checked (e.g., The System 7 Book), the requirement for 32 bit varies
depending on the model. In the case of a IIci, VM up to 13M may be
used without 32 bit. Going to 32 bit vastly increases the possible
VM spece however. I have verified that for 12M, at least, with 8M
actual ram, 32 bit is not required.
Again, thanks for responses and suggestions.
Bill Frazier
Date: 10 Jan 94 09:53:00 EST
From: "Troen, Bruce" <BRUCE.TROEN@med.umich.edu>
Subject: Virtual memory question (R)
In IM V12 #4, Bill Frazier reports difficulty with virtual memory:
Bill -
Have you made sure that you have 12 megs free on your hard disk? Apple's VM
requires 1 free megabyte on the hard drive for each meg of virtual memory plus
the original RAM. This means that 4 megs on the hard drive will still not give
you 12 megs of virtual memory even if you have 8 megs of RAM.
If I remember correctly, the virtual memory app from Connectix does not consume
so much hard disk space (more like the 4 megs you might expect to need if you
set virtual memory to 12 megs).
Bruce Troen
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 12:42:53 -0500
From: mikeg@endgame.gsfc.nasa.gov
Subject: Warning MacTools v3.0
I have just upgraded to Mac Tools v3.0 All in all it seems to be a
great set of programs. Although I am sad to see diskedit (aka "file edit")
dissappear, but then again maybe it will come back like fastcopy did.
The problem arises when you try and create a DiskFix emergency
disk. Those who have purchased the program for the first time might have
the bootable emergency disk directly from Central Point. But us old timers
who have upgraded have to create one for ourselves.
If the disk that you created has over 100k free it is probably
not usable. It will boot and come up in DiskFix, but you may not want to
go any further...
I did it just to try it out, my HD was working fine and it should
have had no problems. But when I went into DiskFix and clicked "check" the
disk it began checking the catalog and then complained about being "out of
memory." My HD was history by that time. I increased the applications
memory to 4M (from 2M) and got the same message.
Luckily my old MacTools v2 cleaned everything up just fine...
I called tech support and this is a "known" problem and it sounded
like it does not happen under all conditions (of course the working
conditions are not known to me and are definately not what I have).
Tech support is sending me a patch so the programs will make a
useable Emergency disk. They also gave me a work around, but it did not
The cause of the problem is the disk made with the installer creates
a system file that will not expand the system Heap, so DiskFix runs out
of memory when booted from the Emergency disk. (at least this is wat I was
told by Tech support.)
If you have not tested you Emergency disk, call tech support and
see what they will do. If the emergency disk came with the package, then
you are probably safe. Although I would take another disk and have the
installer make an Emergency disk and compare the two.
Good luck,
Mike mikeg@asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 20:17:14 -0600 (CST)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: Weekly Calendar utility (A)
Jonathan_Kurtis@Brown.edu (Jonathan Kurtis) asks:
>Can anyone recomend a shareware weekly calander program.
>If possible, I would like it to print out a weekly sheet
>with my appointments and meetings on it.
I have used several. I'm a registered user of Remember?, which
is versatile, powerful and easy to use. Do-it-all is one I've
tried out, and it has some nifty features that Remember does
not (e.g., it will allow you to prioritize upcoming deadlines
and then sort them by priority, so you can put the most urgent
or important things at the top of the list); it also prints out
a nice weekly schedule. However, it does not (or did not in the
last version I saw) allow you to view the calendar for an entire
month, which I like to do.
These are both stand-alone shareware programs. There are HyperCard
stacks around that do similar things. I must confess that I have
largely abandoned the idea of using my Mac to do this task for me:
I find that a little pocket calendar does the job almost as well,
and can be carried around and opened anywhere, even when the power
is out.
Will Porter / University of Houston
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 08:51:35 +0100
From: Johan Solve <Johan.Solve@itn.hh.se>
Subject: What Duo modem (follow up)
In Info-Mac 243 I posted a question about what internal modem to choose for the
Duo. (The posting went double on the list for some reason).
I promised a summary of replies. Here it comes:
(this space intentionally left blank)
That's right, no replies. Perhaps I'm the only one in the world having these
Well, the story is that I have now ordered an Express Modem from US (so I don't
need that stupid adaptor box I get if I buy the modem here in Sweden, besides
the modem is much less expensive in the US), and I plan to purchase Global
Village's fax software. Thus, I will stick with my second alternative.
(Original posting follows)
Fellow Netters,
I am in the process of upgrading my old external 2400 fax modem.
As I am a happy Duo-owner, and as I would prefer an internal modem
for maximum portability, I find myself stuck with the following
three alternatives:
(All prices are very rough assumptions)
1. Apple Express Modem, with its own fax software. Would cost me
something like $320.
The Express Modem is probably beyond its "child diseases" with the
latest software version. But the fax software is too poorly
featured for my needs. Especially the phone book capabilities are
very poor, as I understand it. I am also a little bit suspicious
about the performance when the computer is under heavy load during
background fax or data transmissions.
2. Apple Express Modem, but with Global Village's more featured
fax software (possibly with OCR-capabilities). This would cost me
$320 plus $140 for the GV software (OCR excluded).
Adding the Global Village fax software to the Express Modem should
give a more full-featured fax function, with better phone book
capabilities for example. This seems to be a rather expensive
solution though. And still dubious background performance, since
it uses Express modem hardware (and software?).
3. Global Village's Duo modem. This will cost about $400.
This modem sounded only too good when I first heard of it. A more
robust modem function with better background performance than the
Express Modem, combined with Global Village's excellent (?) fax
software. And best of all, probably no need for that stupid phone
line adaptor box otherwise needed at least here in Sweden. (That
box alone could make it more attractive with an external modem.)
But of course there's a catch. The modem doesn't use the
Communications ToolBox, which (as I have heard) causes lot of
problems with communications software. I have also heard that
(because not using the CTB) the modem doesn't shut off itself
properly under some circumstanses, which drains the battery.
Idislike poor engineering. Avoiding to use the CTB in a modern
communications product should in my humble opinion be considered
poor engineering. Therefore I dislike this modem until the
opposite is prooved to me. Otherwise, this modem seems to be the
best buy.
Now, all folks out there. I'd like to hear what your opinion is.
Is the "Global Village cheat" not that bad after all?
Is it likely to expect software upgrades of the modem so it will
use the CTB?
Is more advanced software for the Express Modem to be expected?
Are there any other possible solutions to put a modem into a Duo?
How about background performace with the mentioned modems?
and more...
Please respond directly to me, and I will post a summary to the
Johan Solve Department of Science and Technology
johan.solve@itn.hh.se Halmstad University, Sweden
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 08:17:37 GMT
From: isis@netcom.com (Mike Cohen)
Subject: Which compression app?
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>Quick and easy question--which driver-level compression program is the best:
>AutoDoubler, Stacker, or TimesTwo? Thanks for the help.
>Steve Waechter
>swaechter@utmem1 (bitnet)
>swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu (internet)
AutoDoubler doesn't use driver-level compression - it compresses files in the
background. I haven't used Stacker or the new (2.0) version of TimesTwo (which
I've heard is a big improvement), but I have TimesTwo 1.03 and I'm very unhappy
with it. I've been using AutoDoubler for at least 2 years and haven't had any
problems with it. The performance is much better, since it doesn't slow down
all disk access as the drivers are unaffected & you can selectively tell it
which files you want compressed & which should be left alone. The only times
it affects performance is when it's doing idle-time background compression or
when you open a compressed file and it has to get uncompressed. They also
provide an internal compressor for applications which let them launch without
being uncompressed and with no performance slowdown.
Mike Cohen - isis@netcom.com
NewtonMail: MikeC49506 / ALink: D6734 / AOL: MikeC20
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 10:48:00 -0600
From: vinko@spss.com (Vinko Tsui (312) 329-3455)
Subject: Which compression app? (R)
>Quick and easy question--which driver-level compression program is the best:
>AutoDoubler, Stacker, or TimesTwo? Thanks for the help.
I've been using AutoDoubler for the past two years and I find it very quick
and reliable. I have not use any of the other two you mentioned, but as I
recall MacWorld also prefers AutoDoubler in one of their reviews. I think
the best thing to do is to try them out yourself, use each program heavly
for a week. OF course you'll back up everything first. Most vendor or
manufacture will accommodate if you explain your situation.
BTW: AutoDoubler is fairly inexpensive, it also bundle with CopyDoubler 1.0
which is one of the best utils I've ever used. You can also upgrade it to
the latest version (2.0.3) for a minor fee.
Let me know if you need more assistance.
-- Vinko
Vinko Enterprises, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, vinko@applelink.apple.com
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 02:42:08 +0100
From: tsvetkova@news.rferl.org (Alexei Tsvetkov)
Subject: WP3 and WorldScript
I have already stated earlier my reservations concerning
WorldScript abilities of WordPerfect 3. Since some people still request
clarifications, I will repeat my argument.
Let me explain at the beginning that I need a WorldScript aware
application to write in Russian, so I cannot comment on WP3 performance
with other languages. In my case, it fails almost completely.
It is quite possible to use a Russian font with any Macintosh text
processor accepting font change, and one you install WorldScript 1 and the
Russian module, you could use Apple Russian fonts. The real difference
would be:
1. Recognition of the Russian alphabetical sequence, enabling sorting.
2. Recognition of Russian word boundaries, enabling word-count and
possibly use of dictionaries.
Neither is among WP3 abilities. The only thing it is capable of is
switching keybords on font change and inserting a Russian date with an
improbable syntax. Purely ornamental.
In Info-Mac 12-5 Ned S. VanderVen states that WP3 performs quite
well for him in Chinese. I am incompetent to judge, but maybe even the
ability to type in Chinese is something that seems rewarding in a word
processor. In my case I do not see any difference between WP 3 and Word
Alexei Tsvetkov (tsvetkova@rferl.org)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 17:28:28 +0000
From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb)
In >Info-Mac Digest V12 #5, Bienvenu Jay <sjb8502@usl.edu> asks:
>On starup, my mom's LC makes a "whirring" (as she describes it) noise that
>starts at a low pitch and gets higher and higher pitched. This only comes
>>From a cold boot. Everything else seems normal. Is this a sign of impending
> -- Jay
My LC has been making a similar noise for some time (~18 months). In this
case it is something to do with the sound chip. Plugging a jack into the
ext speaker socket shuts it up straight away.
Since that also cuts out the speaker, it's not a fix, just "proof" of
origin! Try it (or get your mom to do so) - a plug on a set of Walkman type
headphones should prove the point. Or you could just buy a plug.
It doesn't _seem_ to have any long term effects - it's just a minor
nuisance at start up, and goes away after a few minutes.
Hope this helps,
Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 19:21:50 -0800
From: Spencer Marks <samarks@well.sf.ca.us>
I was wondering is Finder 7.1.3 is available on-line. I just to Dayna
's ProFiles and really want to take advantage of the new Drag and Drop
functionality, but think I have to buy all of System 7 Pro, most of which I
can't use, to it.
If someone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
Spencer Marks
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 13:49:05 EST
From: "Michael Lehnertz (Drummer)" <TZJ101@URIACC.URI.EDU>
Two things:
First, I am having a problem with a monitor set up. We have a IIci with a
14" color monitor. The user of that Mac doesn't like the performance of
the IIci with color, but likes the size of the monitor. So, he set his
monitor to B&W. Here is the problem. Every time he shuts down and starts
back up, the IIci resets the monitor back to 256 colors. He is starting up
with More 3.1 I believe and possibly Now Up-To-Date. Any suggestions???
Next, does anyone have the wizard password to Moria 4.87(4)? Someone here
plays it and wants the password.
Please respond to me personally because I read the lists at rare times.
- Drummer -
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 16:41:16 EST
From: "Christine A. Gaca" <CAGACA%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
I am interested in finding out if anyone out there has installed Farallon
Etherwave products on their network and have comments on ease of install-
ation, etc. Also wondering about Non-Apple printers and options for
connections there.
I would appreciate any help that can be offered...I am a real networking
Email replies to: cagaca@suvm.syr.edu.
End of Info-Mac Digest